• 木. 1月 16th, 2025

【総合】オフィスライト行政書士田中法務事務所 | ライトインターナショナルLLC | RIGHT INTERNATIONAL USA, INC. <インターナショナルM&Aサービス>


We are selling the clip made by the safety plastic.
We show main 3points below.
1. The clip does does not use the metal.
2. The clip is safe because it is made by plastic.
3. This clip has an international license.
The Use Example
-the baby goods (clothes, suspender, baggy)
-the outdoor goods (suspender, hat clipping)
-the sports cap for clipping 
We would like you to have an interest on our Plastic Safety Clip and we are happy to discuss for the price.
This Clip manufactured by Korin Co., Ltd. based in Japan.
And we (Right International LLC) support them as a overseas marketing stuff to expand their overseas sales.
ベビーカー用 ハットクリップ3 ハットクリップ2 ハットクリップ ストラップ2 キッズサスペンダー2 サスペンダー大人 スタイ・帽子子供用 ストラップ1

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