• 水. 1月 15th, 2025

【総合】オフィスライト行政書士田中法務事務所 | ライトインターナショナルLLC | RIGHT INTERNATIONAL USA, INC. <インターナショナルM&Aサービス>


Commercial Epilator ViVid EX.(Overseas Specification)


6月 26, 2017

ViVid EX.(Overseas Specification)Commercial Epilator

If you hope, we will send you a spec and a quote.
Made in Japan, the advanced technology of our Beauty Flash Depilator is achieved through our collective efforts to create a high-quality product built to exacting specifications.
● It’s amazing how much unwanted body hair can be removed with a shower of light!
Our ViVid EX. Beauty Flash Depilator utilizes the theory of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). With the energy emitted by Xenon lamps, a shower of various wavelengths will gently penetrate the skin.
● Our specially-designed water filter can cut harmful wavelengths.
Our ViVid EX.is equipped with a high-tech WCC (Water Cooling Circulation) system which circulates water inside the applicator. The water circulating inside the applicator absorbs the heat emitted during irradiation, significantly reducing the burden to the skin. At the same time, because the light emitted is filtered through the water, it cuts the wavelengths that can lead to burns. It is now possible to have excellent hair removal results with the utmost safety!
● One machine stars in 3 roles: Full-body hair removal, Creating beautiful skin, and Whitening effect.
● Realizing a high-revenue model for operating Hair Removal Salons.
ViVid EX.is a machine designed to professional specifications. It can achieve a gross profit margin of over 90%! One major attraction of the hair removal salon business is that the more shots given, the more revenue you receive!
★Thanks to its double water-cooling, operations are stabilized, even with repeated use.
 When the lamp irradiates, it is emittedsimultaneously with the heat. The ViVid EX. specifications allow it to withstand continuous use with the circulation of water in the applicator and machine creating a system of double water cooling. simultaneously with the heat.
★Made in Japan: High quality that you can rely on!
 From design and construction to inspection, the reliability and results of Vivid EX. help keep it in good standing as a Japanese brand. We never compromise on improving our quality, from one nail down to the smallest details!


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